Thank you to all those players that participated in trial 1 last Sunday. Weather dependent, the second trial is Sunday, 5 May 2024, same times and location. Please ensure you have joined our WhatsApp group to receive up to date information, especially should wet weather result in ground closure / changes or trial(s) being postponed. https://chat.whatsapp.com/
Details for Trial 2 on Sunday, 5 May 2024:
- All trials will be held at Balmoral Oval, 42 Plunkett Road, Balmoral.
- U10 & U11 – 3.30pm to 4.30pm
- U12 & U13 – 4.45pm to 5.45pm
- U14 & U15 – 6.00pm to 7.00pm
- All players to arrive at least 20 mins prior to start time to sign in and be allocated a jersey & trial team
- Please bring mouthguards, boots, water bottle, headgear if worn and a great attitude
- Any issues with player availability, please email Ben Richards, Vice President vp@nsjru.com.au
- We encourage our juniors to trial their best
Return trial jerseys
Thank you to those parents that were kind enough to take a set (or two) of jerseys home to wash following trial 1. Would you please email Sallie Watt, secretary@nsjru.com.au to confirm the age group and jerseys you have so that we can ensure we have all the jerseys back for our next trial. If any player accidentally took a trial jersey home, please also let Sallie know.
Possible Trial 3 & extended squad
We were impressed with the number of expressions of interest and skill of players and we may need a 3rd trial. We will communicate this following trial 2. In the older age groups, there may be an extended squad beyond the 23 players selected for State Champs to cover for the potential for injury between now and the June long weekend.
State Cup dates
NSW State Cup for U12-U18s is June long weekend 8-10 June 2024
NSW State Gala for U10-11s is 20 & 21 July 2024
Players are required to play a minimum of 4 club games over 4 separate SJRU rounds to be eligible for participation in Representative rugby and must commit to play for their club for the whole season. Failure to do so, representative status will be removed.