5 APR-24: U12-14 TRIALS on 7 April CANCELLED

Dear Parents and Players

Unfortunately, due to the wet weather, trials for the U12s through to U14s at Taplin this Sunday 7 April 2024 have been cancelled. Good luck to those players still able to play club games on Sunday.

Registrations for players’ EOI for reps for Season 2024 are still open. Please make sure you register your child’s interest before 5pm on 18 April 2024. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1axlghmUw647DYLMP_FX6WapavC0XvMaBUNxUOSiTubc/viewform?ts=65f962c9&edit_requested=true

The first rep trial for all age groups will be held on Sunday afternoon 28 April 2024.

Times and venues will be confirmed in the next couple of weeks.

Enjoy your weekend.



Northern Suburbs Junior Rugby Union